Sunday, August 18, 2013

Company - August 18

Dear Zuzu,

I know it's been a month since I wrote you - things have been so busy over here! Your Aunt B's wedding, a HUGE project at work, and a show for both your Father and then me have all conspired to exhaustify.

Today is August 18 and this morning, I rolled over at 7am to stick a thermometer in my mouth. It's a charting technique to help your Daddy and I know when I ovulate. I've been somewhat suspicious for the last few days because my temps (after a positive ovulation test just last week) have been slightly higher than normal. The temp this morning was mid-range - not too high, but definitely not too low. I fell back asleep without a thought.

I had to pee really bad when I woke up a couple of hours later. I've been so so so tired lately (what I assumed was a result of late nights this week and a ton of stress.) I went to the wedding last night and closed a show. My poor body was just clear gone - sleep, and a lot of it, was definitely on the docket. I stumbled into the bathroom and almost forgot to take a pregnancy test! I was that tired, still! I didn't expect anything because I'm barely 9 days past ovulation - a time when most experts agree it's possibly too early to get an accurate pregnancy test.

Luckily, I remembered before I'd finished peeing. I took one test and then had a crazy thought - I needed to take another brand of test, too. I don't like wasting tests, as they can be expensive. I've been suspicious for the past few days because of the temps, yes, but also because of the cramps I've been having - they're too early to be period cramps and too late for ovulation. They also felt different. So, I took two tests. One of each brand.

The first brand came back negative. Well, not quite. In the first 3 minutes, it was negative. (I had forgotten that brand requires waiting 5 minutes.) Then I took and set the second test on the resting spot and washed my hands. Then, I decided to brush my teeth. I leaned over while brushing my teeth and happened to catch a glimpse of the second test. I had a heart-pounding moment when I saw a shadow on the test - then realized... it wasn't a shadow, it was positive! I couldn't believe it! I went out to tell your Daddy and ask him if he saw something on the test. Your Daddy's face just lit up! He was so delighted! We looked at the test and both saw the positive. Then I went back in the bathroom to get the first test and noticed a line there, too!

Oh, Zuzu, we've been over the moon delighted with each other all day. We keep giggling over the fun plans like when to tell everyone (after the first appointment where we hear the heartbeat!) and how to tell everyone :-) We're so excited.

This afternoon, for safety, I took a digital test and got the loveliest little picture. This is what you looked like to us at just 3 weeks and 5 days old (9 dpo) :

We love you so much and we can't wait to share the news with everyone! Meanwhile, we'll just relax and hope that the early news (and such strong symptoms for Mommy!) mean good things for this pregnancy.

See you soon,
Mommy & Daddy