Thursday, May 30, 2013

All Good Things

Dear Tiny,

I did not expect that we would say good-bye so soon. However, the Doctor tells us that it's just not possible at this point that you could still be fighting in there. I am so sorry that we have to learn this very important life lesson together: not everything goes as planned. Some disappointments are permanent. Not all hope results in a happy ending.

They say that all chemical miscarriages are a result of genetic or malformation factors. They reiterate that it is not the fault of the host. I can see why they do this. My mind runs through a million scenarios where I could have done something differently to preserve your environment. Thoughts about 'what if' and possibilities about timing. And worries that an errant thought of mine may have caused this demise.

But I must not let those thoughts overtake the messages of hope and hopefulness and possibilities. All these things swirl in my head and heart - and what it all comes down to is this: we have to wait.

We have to wait to try again.
We have to wait to help you grow.
We have to wait to meet you.

So, instead of good-bye, I'm going to just say that we're not giving up - even if it means waiting. Luckily, your Mommy has a lot of practice with waiting. And your Daddy is the King of never-say-die. So, we will put those skills into practice just for you.

You are precious to us, dear one. And we won't stop hoping until you are in our arms.
We love you.

Mommy and Daddy

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